Saturday 27 December 2014

understanding the basic cause of pubertal acne(pimples)

When you were a child ,you had a great,soft and smooth skin.
But suddenly when you reach your horrible teenage years between 13-19 years,you start experiencing changes in your skin 1.excessive oiliness 2.sudden breakout of blemishes you never wanted to see yourself in the mirror and severe cases the small bumps will grow into very big and disfiguring nodules.
To remove misconceptions about its cause,i am gonna highlight you the correct medical cause for developing of acne.
when you each puberty ,there is sudden release of gonadotrophic hormones or in other words testosterone levels rises above the normal levels.
its this hormone which causes the over activation of your excess of oil glands present commonly on face,back,scalp ,leading to excess production of oil or in medical terms called sebum rich in lipids.this gives a very shiny look to your face.In majority of boys and girls the skin gets used to the excess hormone production and the skin will normalise itself after sometime.
bacterial infection plays a very crucial role in the development of severe pimples(acne).The excess lipids present in the sebum are broken down by them to produce irritative fatty acids,which immediatly leads to development of inflammation of the affected hairfollicle which secreted excess of oil from its sebaeceous(oil producing) glands.Apat from this the bacteria will multiply in the favourable enviroment of excess of sebum and will produce severe infection leading to bumpy and red nodules(inflamed ).
As you know our skin grows and rejuvenates everyday by discarding old dead cells and making new cells,this process is called keratinisation. In kids susceptible to develop acne a more severe form of it mostly due to heriditary causes,the keratinisation process gets damaged leading to dead cells blocking the pore of hair follicles leading to excess of sebum being retained and indirectly leading to increased inflammation,infection and finally increased size of the nodules.

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